Unexpected Benefits from Using Mini Exercise Fitness Bands


Different resistance levels and the mini exercise bands are all the same size

I have had some amazing and unexpected benefits!

 I was surprised from some of the benefits I received from these Coobons Fitness Mini Exercise Bands. I have been using mini exercise bands for over a year now, and I have noticed some pleasant and unexpected benefits.  

Having these mini exercise bands is like working out for sedentary people.  Sedentary people who want to gain strength that is. It is actually possible to gain strength and build muscle while watching television! 

Some benefits that I noticed are:

Insomnia & Restless Leg Syndrome

 I am not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, but I would be willing to bet that I have restless leg syndrome.  I call it “the wiggles”. This is a very frustrating thing to have. It is like you get this rush of energy right before you are supposed to go to bed. You simply have to wiggle your legs.  If you don’t wiggle your legs you might explode.  

I got the idea  to simply tire my legs out by stretching the mini exercise bands repeatedly while sitting on the couch.  I simply stretch the bands until my legs get tired.  The benefit is that the wiggles  disappear making for a better night sleep.  

Disc Golf Drive Distance Improved

I love playing disc golf,  but I was disappointed in my driving distance.  After working with these mini exercise bands, my driving distance has improved significantly.  I can throw much further now.  These bands are making my arms and shoulders stronger.  That is a plus!

Pain has disappeared 

This pain in my elbow appeared out of nowhere a few months ago. I read that mini resistance bands are used in physical therapy to isolate specific muscles and joints.  I decided to push through the pain and work out my elbow with the mini stretch bands.  This worked.  I noticed that the pain faded away in a  few weeks.  Now it is almost completely gone. I am not a doctor, but I think these mini fitness bands played a part in healing my elbow joint pain. 

Increased Stamina 

I have a buddy that I play disc golf with. He is in his late 60’s.  He usually had to rest several times on an 18 hole round of disc golf.  I got him a set of bands just to see if it would help him out.  I noticed that he didn’t have to rest much this last time.  He  believes it was the mini exercise that bands increased his leg strength and stamina. 

I give these bands a solid recommendation.  

Bang for the Buck! 

If one considers the cost benefit ratio of using these bands, I would say it is a very good bang for the buck. You can build muscle strength while sitting on the couch for just a few dollars. I have yet to break any of my bands, but if they ever do break they are extremely cheap to replace.  These are a super value for the benefits they provide.  

Extremely Portable

The bag is small enough that it fits in a front pocket holding all the bands. I take my bands on walks  and work out my arms on my walks.   I also take them in the car and build muscle while burning nervous energy as a passenger .  

High quality material, instructional video, exercise pamphlet

Now is the time to get started! 

The time to start turning things around is now.  These bands are cost effective.  Especially in light of the benefits they provide. If you have been on the fence about buying bands, I hope my experience has helped you in your decision.  Here is my affiliate link for the COOBONS MINI EXERCISE BANDS

It doesn’t cost any more for you, and it helps support what I do.  

Thanks for checking out my review!


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